Creating a Culture of Customer Care
AD项目是近年来在中国发展较快的中英合作办学项目,课程通过开发实际工作中需要的技能来满足学生在职业发展方面的需要,"以学生为中心"的教育理念贯穿于AD教学全过程。《客户服务文化构建》 是针对我院AD项目二年级学生开设的必修课程。该课程选用全英文原版教材,课程设置完全按照英方教学规定, 致力于培养学生运用客户文化管理相关理论的能力。该课程注重理论与实践的结合,在教学中培养学生自主学习、独立研究、提出问题、解决问题、遵守学术规范的学术素养,发展学生的思辨能力、沟通能力、合作能力、创新能力和跨文化交际能力。课程学习为一学期,在课程学习结束的时候要求学生能够独立完成案例分析,并能独自撰写相关主题的调查报告。
Principle of Marketing 2018
The Context of Business for 2019 JDUK
Welcome to The Context of Business online course.
This online course helps you to test yourself about some simple concepts and theories, and to know how well you can apply the knowledge to real-world scenarios.
Here, you can share your opinion and discuss with your classmates and you can help answering the questions your classmate may concern as well.
Hope you can learn knowledge by self-motivation, sharing and helping with each other here.
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