市场营销 Marketing Management(2025春)
本课程是一门研究现代企业以整体、长远利润最大化为目的,以满足消费者和用户需求为途径,以产品销售为导向的一系列管理活动极其规律的科学。 通过本课程的学习,使学生正确认识市场营销的核心概念,树立现代市场营销观念,掌握现代企业市场营销管理体系和内容,掌握现代企业市场营销的理论和方法,为学好市场营销专业的其他专业课程和将来在市场营销实际中运用营销管理理论和方法奠定坚实的基础。
Principles of Management 2024 秋
Fundamentals of Management is an important fundamental professional course
for the undergraduate students in management. It aims to help the
students to master the theory of management, including planning, organizing,
leading and controlling, and its application techniques in the management of
enterprises. Thus, the students may have a strong sense of management for the
further practices after their graduation.
The course content is as follows:
(1) Concept of management. (2) History of management. (3) Planning function,
including decision making, planning, management of objectives, and management
of strategies. (4) Organizing function, including organization structure, culture and
reform, and management of human resource. (5) Leading function, including
theory of leading, communication, and motivation. (6) Controlling function,
including controlling methods and techniques.
J5FL_48 Managing Business Culture and Strategy for 22AD
English Teacher Professional Development