2025年春 Economics 1 Micro and Macro Theory and Applications
2025 FM for SCNU
24级 College English 2 (Foshan Campus)
Basic English is a core compulsory course for non-English major undergraduates of SCNU as an important part of their general education. In this course, the textbook of iEnglish is selected as the principle teaching resources. iEnglish enables learners to encounter, or meet the kinds of texts in humanistic and sociological subjects, native language and challenging tasks . Besides, the major task of this course is to cultivate students’ comprehensive ability of reading, writing ,listening and speaking general English in life, as well as their ability of cross-cultural communication between Chinese and foreign cultures, so as to meet the students’ basic needs of college study, international communication, and future work and employment, and enhance their autonomous learning ability and cultural literacy.
Graded Unit 1
1 Develop knowledge and skills of core business functions to enable access to employment in entry level commercial, officer, supervisory or managerial positions in business organisations.
2 Develop knowledge and skills to facilitate progression in commercial, officer or supervisory career paths.
3 Foster innovation and creativity to enable learners to adapt to changes in the business environment.
4 Provide a grounding in knowledge, skills and creative thinking required to start a business.
Grievance and Discipline Handling
Aim: Description of good practice in handling workplace grievance and discipline issues.
1. describe the concepts of “fair and “unfair” dismissal as defined by employment law;
2. explain the components of disciplinary procedures;
3. explain the application of grievance procedures.