
   Accounting is the measurement, processing and communication of financial information about economic entities. Accounting, which has been called the "language of business",measures the results of an organization's economic activities and conveys this information to a variety of users including investors, creditorsmanagement, and regulators. We hope that you enjoy the course.

In putting together the course, we assume no prior knowledge of accounting. We also recognise that participants in the course have many different interests in accounting, and reasons for studying accounting. We aim to introduce basic principles and concepts that help us understand the "language of business" and financial statements, We also aim to explain accounting in such a way that it helps you to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to progress towards more advanced work on accounting and reporting.

教师: 张寒珍




As a core course of International Business postgraduate program, Intercultural Communication in Business Context aims to develop students' ability in studying on the cultural issues in international business and their proficiency in intercultural management, negotiation and marketing. By means of lecturing, case study and project learning, the course will develop students' intercultural awareness in international business context, equip them with the basic theories and research paradigms of intercultural business communication, and cultivate their effective strategies of intercultural management, negotiation and marketing.

Land and Property Economics 2019

The module starts with an overview of the characteristics of the real estate markets, followed by
the detailed discussion on the four quadrant model, which explains the linkage between the space
and asset markets. The course then focuses on the fundamentals of urban economics, including
topics on agglomeration economies, the economic growth model, the bid rent theory and central
place theory. The space market is then explained in more details through the evaluation of the
effectiveness of regulations and planning in land use and real estate developments. The course
finishes with a review of the cyclical nature of the real estate markets and rent forecasting.

教师: 赵淑芳, Martin