雅思口语 IELTS Speaking
雅思听力 IELTS Listening
通过互联网资源,将学生参与实习的过程通过文字,PPT 和视频的形式记录下来,并上传到互联网,能够保留并且向后来者展示真实的实习实践活动。
财务决策支持系统2018 for 15财管
本课程是针对财务管理专业学生的一门实践课程,旨在帮助学生学会运用 Excel 于决策支持 的建模及设计的方法,并用于在社会生活、财务管理、企业经营管理的决策支持的实际当中。 本课程的目标包括:
学生将充分理解决策,决策支持,决策支持系统、以及财务决策支持系统的概念以 及重要的要素
学生将掌握构建决策模型的方法,并运用 Excel 设计决策运算模型
学生的逻辑思维能力、综合分析能力、Excel 能力将在本课程得到较大的提高
This unit is designed to allow learners to develop an understanding of spreadsheet design and how to use spreadsheet features and functions for practical and effective use in a business environment. Learners will develop knowledge and skills to allow them to create customised solutions to common business problems and scenarios. The unit is relevant to learners wishing to develop their competence in the use of spreadsheets in the workplace, or who wish to develop knowledge in skills in the application of spreadsheets more generally.
Electronic Commerce
This course is mainly focus on the Electronic Commerce area. E-commerce has been increasingly permeated into modern society and reflected in commercial activities.
In this course, based on the studies of industrial history and present status, students will understand the social, economic, political, technological and naturial influences within different industries. Besides, with the describing of consumer psychology and behavior characteristics, they can understand easily those kinds of network business practices. Meanwhile, case studies with the business management pattern may help students to perceive the possibility of the network business so as to stimulate their creative ideas in the related field.
商务统计学 Business Statistics
The Context of Business for 16 JDUK
Welcome to The Context of Business online course.
This online course helps you to test yourself about some simple concepts and theories, and to know how well you can apply the knowledge to real-world scenarios. Here, you can share your opinion and discuss with your classmates and you can help answering the questions your classmate may concern as well.
Hope you can learn knowledge by self-motivation, sharing and helping with each other here.
Principles of Property Valuation 2018
This course is about the principles underlying basic valuation and investment formulae. Provides students with an understanding of the methods of property valuation and the purposes for which valuations are undertaken. To examine critically alternatives to conventional approaches to valuations for possible solutions to problems. Develop facility in use of the financial calculator in valuation.
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