
  • Questions about persuasion

    • a.what is your understanding about the persuasion?

      b.what are the fundemental elements of persuasion?

      c.what are some persuasion appeals?

      ----Build credibility:Ethos-"ethics",Patnos-"emotions",Logos-"logic/reason"


      ----Anticipate:audience reactions

      ----Focus on needs(not focus on your and his/her benifits)

      ----Facts/stats:have done some research

    • Activity On-Class 

      • Group Work(3-4 students)

      Explain the problem with each statement and creatively revise to creat a logical argument.

      a.Of the three ad. compaigns presented by the marketing department, I think we should go with the second one because it's the best.

      b."If democracy is the best way to run a goverment, then it must be the best way to run a company also."

      c."Sales in our internatinal branches nearly doubled after the CEO hired a new assistant. We should promote the assistant to up of sales."

      d."Our current travel authorization forms are not efficient.We should either not require authorization or deline all travel requests."

      e."Sales have dropped this quarter. Therefore, we can assure the sales reps have are completely incompetent."

      f."The media is biased against our products.For the past two days, the city journal have featured stories about our competitions but hasn't mentioned us"

    • Activity On-Class

      • Case Study