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    • 1Objective one:Recognize your partner needs

    • Maslow Needs Modle

      Stroking the feeling is very important during the communication.

    • Video Based Qs:

      1.Which level of the needs that the ads satisfied to?

      2.How does it achieve these needs? 

    • The Jonari Window

      "Self-exploring and feedback Modle"

    • Video Base Learning:

      1.What is the meaning of each grid in the Johari Window?

      2.What is the key element to make the co-worker more effeciently? Explain your answer.

      3.What information flows the Window indicates?

      4.What is the end goal of this window?

      5.How should we use the window to improve the trust between each other?


    • The Johari Window is a communication model that is used to improve understanding between individuals. The word "Johari" is taken from the names of Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham, who developed the model in 1955.

      There are two key ideas behind the tool:

      1. That you can build trust with others by disclosing information about yourself.
      2. That, with the help of feedback from others, you can learn about yourself and come to terms with personal issues.

      By explaining the idea of the Johari Window, you can help team members to understand the value of self-disclosure, and you can encourage them to give, and accept, constructive feedback.Done sensitively, this can help people build better, more trusting relationships with one another, solve issues, and work more effectively as a team.

    • Activity On-Class partner work 

      Choose five adjectives to discribe your partner and give the reasons on every adjective.

    • Johari adjectives

    • 2Objective Two: Nonverbal Communication

      Case Study:

      • Communication: “Hi there, sales prospect! I haven’t heard from you yet this week and am calling again to check in.”

      Metacommunication: “I am desperate to make a sale and feel people won’t buy unless I push them.”

      • Communication: “Listen up, employee – you didn’t do this correctly!”

      Metacommunication: “I am a control freak and a negaholic who does not trust people who work for me.”

      • Communication: “Sorry, customer, we don’t accept returns by mail. You will have to come back to the store in person.”

      Metacommunication: “We hate our customers.”