主题 名称 描述
文件 syllabus for business statistics
文件 Using Moodle - manual book

As this course is delivered on Moodle , which is the most widely used learning management system in the world, it is very import to master how to use this system.Please read the attachment files: user manual book to guide your learning on this platform.

文件夹 Video Tutorial for using Moodle
网页 我所理解的统计思维
第一单元 商务统计学概况 网页 Learning objectives
文件 Topic 1 Lecture slides
文件 Lecture notes
网页 Key Concepts
网页 Learning tasks and strategy
文件 Introduction to business statistics
文件 Basic concepts
文件 Source of Data
文件 Types of Variables/Data
文件 what is information
文件 What is difference between data and information?
文件 descritive statistics
文件 How to enter data?
文件 Sampling 1
文件 Sampling 2
文件 statistical thinking
文件 Using data analysis tool
网页 Reading and Assignment
网页 Excersize for Topic one
第二单元 组织和呈现数据 网页 Learning objective
文件 Topic lecture
网页 Learning tasks and strategy
文件 Organize data -Frequency Distribution Table
文件 Frequency Distribution Table in Excel
文件 Creating a Pareto Chart
网页 Reading and solving problems
网页 Exercise for topic two
网页地址 Using Piktochart to present data
文件 手把手教你用excel2007做柏拉图(pareto)
网页 在学习上,你离顶尖高手还差几步?
第三单元 数值型描述统计学 网页 Learning objective
文件 Topic lecture
文件 Central Tendency
文件 Measure of Dispersion
文件 Measure of Position
文件 Distribution shape
网页 Reading and Soving problems
文件 Generating descriptive statistics
文件 Calculating descriptive statistics and shape distribution
第四单元 概率基础和离散概率分布 网页 Learning objectives
文件 Topic lecture
网页 Learning tasks and strategies
文件 Probability -property and Events
文件 Types of Events
文件 Calculating the probability of events
文件 Conditioinal probability
文件 Discrete probability 1
文件 Discrete probability 2
文件 Probability distribution
文件 An Introduction to the Binomial Distribution
文件 Binomial distribution - Khan Academy
文件 Introduction to the Poisson Distribution
文件 An Introduction to the Poisson Distribution
文件 Poisson Practice Problems
网页 Reading and Solving problems--part one
文件 Generating values for binomial or Poisson distributions
网页 Reading and Solving problems--part two
文件 Self assessment
网页 我所理解的统计思维
第五单元 正态概率分布和样本分布 网页 Learning objectives

文件 Topic lecture
网页 Learning tasks and strategies
文件 Normal Distribution
文件 Empirical Rule
文件 calculating probablity of normal distribution
文件 Standard Normal distribution
文件 Sampling distribution and central limit theorem
文件 Sampling proportion distribution probability
文件 Normal distribution
文件 Calculating normal probability 1
文件 Calculating normal probability 2
网页 Reading and Solving problems-Part One
文件夹 Solutions to the problems of part one
网页 Reading and Solving problems--Part Two
文件 test
第六单元 估计 网页 Learning objectives
文件 Topic lecture
网页 Learning strategies and tasks
文件 What is estimation?
文件 Confidence Interval Estimation
文件 How to estimate population mean
文件 Estimate population mean 1
文件 Estimate population mean 2
文件 Estimaing populatioin mean 3
文件 Estimating population proportion
文件 Determine sample size for estimating population mean
文件 Determine sample size for estimating population proportion
文件 Confidence estimation
第七单元 假设检验 网页 Learning objectives
文件 Topic lecture
网页 Learning strategies and tasks
文件 What is hypothesisi test?
文件 How to test hypothesis?
文件 Classical hypothesis test-Z test 1
文件 Classical hypothesis test-Z test 2
文件 Classical hypothesis test- t test
文件 Classical hypothesis -using P value
文件 Confidence Interval Approach -Test hypothesis
文件 Types of Errors in hypothesis test
文件 Summary of Hypothesis test
文件 Types of error
文件 steps in hypothesis test 1
文件 steps in hypothesis test 2
网页 Exercise for topic 7
网页地址 Hypothesis Testing-Read and Practice
第八单元 相关分析和回归分析 网页 Learning objectives
文件 Topic lecture
文件 How to calculate the correlation coefficient
文件 Excel demonstration
文件 Self assessment
网页 Exeecise for topic 8
课程参考资源与工具 文件 商务统计学课后练习原始数据
网页地址 National Bureau of Statistics of the People’s Republic of China 国家统计局
网页地址 Statistics- Khan Academy
网页地址 National Bureau of Statistics of the People’s Republic of China 国家统计局
网页地址 Statistics- Khan Academy
网页地址 Online Course-Descriptive statistics from Khan Academy