
group 2

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Modified: 10 March 2020, 10:33 PM   User: 尤恩泽 20173602047  → 尤恩泽 20173602047

1.Cut in when others are speaking

2.No response to others' speeches.

3.Information is distorted after being transmitted by many people

4.Lack of concentration

5.Speaker's attitude is not clear

1 and 3 are in the process of senders' "select channel and transmits message"

2 and 4 are in the process of receivers'  "decodes message"

5 is in the process of sender's "encodes message"


1. To solve the problem of "Cut in when others are speaking" , the senders should create a quality environment for information transmission,and make sure the receivers is qualited.

2.To solve the problem of "No response to others' speeches.", the receivers should decodes message faster and encodes message faster and then faster select channel and transmits message to senders faster.

3.To solve the problem of "Information is distorted after being transmitted by many people", the senders should try to reduce the interference in the process of information transmission, and try to transmiss the information directly.

4.To solve the problem of "Lack of concentration", the receivers should reduce the interference when senders are transmitting information ,try to remember and write down the details and keynotes of the information.

5.To solve the problem of "Speaker's attitude is not clear", the speakers should should keep the brain clear and encodes message briefly,make sure the diction is accuracy and then make the massage easy to understand.