通过互联网资源,将学生参与实习的过程通过文字,PPT 和视频的形式记录下来,并上传到互联网,能够保留并且向后来者展示真实的实习实践活动。
通过互联网资源,将学生参与实习的过程通过文字,PPT 和视频的形式记录下来,并上传到互联网,能够保留并且向后来者展示真实的实习实践活动。
This unit is designed to enable you to gain an understanding of the different approaches to managing an organization in today's dynamic and complex business environment . It will introduce you -whenther inending to or working in an administrative, commercial or management role --to current managemnt theoried to enable you to use these to evaluate organizational effectiveness.
This course serves as the basic course for interantional students of Chiense beginners in short-term programme in SCNU. The content of this course intends to help international students access to basic daily Chinese social communication by focusing on the speaking and communicative skills while also highlighting the fundamental Chinese character recognition and the handwriting skills. The topics are relevant to the basic needs in real life of social communication ranging from greetings, family, time, foods, shopping, hobbies, directions, weather and transportation. In the course, learning-through-life-experience and context-teaching approach are incorporates into the classroom teaching.
The basic knowledge about computer and the basic operation of win7 and office sofware.
该课程为经济管理类专业的学科基础课,旨在让学生了解会计在企业经营运作中的作用,掌握基本的会计和财务相关概念,能够运用复式记账法对经济业务进行正确的记录和计量,能够编制基本财务报表的编制并分析利用,利用会计信息为企业决策提供服务。 This course provides an introduction to accounting and finance.Students will learn about the roles of accounting and finance in businesses and will be able to record transactions by using double-entry accounting. they will be able to prepare and analyze financial statements, as well. And learn to use the accounting information to serve for making decisions for businesses.
This course aims to introduce students to the fundamental statistical concepts that managers commonly use when making decisions as sensible as possible, on the basis of the available evidence. The purpose of this course is to develop statistical thinking that focuses on ways to understand and manage available data and reduces variation of available data. The course will also provide students with the skills and knowledge in the application of statistical analyses and processing of business data.
Welcome to The Context of Business online course.
This online course helps you to test yourself about some simple concepts and theories, and to know how well you can apply the knowledge to real-world scenarios.
Here, you can share your opinion and discuss with your classmates and you can help answering the questions your classmate may concern as well.
Hope you can learn knowledge by self-motivation, sharing and helping with each other here.
This course is about corporate finance, how companies raise money to start, operate, grow and sell businesses including methods to pay for investments and growth. Students will learn components of the broad financial landscape of small and large businesses. Financial management is very important to the success of any company. The basic principles of business finance will be explained and applied. These principles will be applied as students learn to develop plans to start and fund a new business, as well as seek capital to grow an existing business.
This course will provide explanations of the role of capital, sources of capital, managing risk and applying mathematical formulas to making strategic business decisions designed to maximize shareholder value.