2020级计算机科学技术导论: Tous les participants
- Forum 参考书目与学习网站
The Big Picture (全景)
Binary Values and Number Systems (二进制和数字系统)
- Test 练习二
- Forum 对于所学的内容是否有疑问?请将你的问题在这里进行提问。
- Forum Keywords of Chapter 2
- Forum Discussion (讨论):
- Devoir 作业:Why are binary numbers important in computing?
- Test 测验
Data Reprensentation (数据表示方法)
- Forum Keywords of Chapter 3
- Forum Photograph compression for Web Usage or Email. Which kind of the newest file format will you choose and why?
- Forum Discussion (讨论):When converting whole numbers from one base to another,we divide by the new base.When converting fractional parts from one base to another,we multiply by the new base.Can positional notation be used to explain these algorithms?
- Test Data Reprensentation 课后作业1数字表示法
- Devoir Record your sound.录制你的声音
- Test 测验
Gates and Circuits
Computing Components
- Forum Keywords of Chapter 5
- Forum Discuss and draw the main internal componets of a computer system, and talk about the charactericstics.
- Forum Discussion (讨论):According to what you know, what is the future development trend of computer architecture based on the analysis of the differences between Von Neumann Architecture and Non Von Neumann Architecture?
- Forum 请根据前面《The Big Picture》中关于中国计算机发展的资料,来谈谈你的体会?
- Test 计算机组成课后作业
- Test 测验
Programming Languages
- Forum Keywords of Chapter 6
- Forum Keywords of Chapter 9
- Forum 讨论:From your side, Compare the design of Top-Down & OOP Designs
- Forum 分组讨论:以"教务管理系统"为例进行面向对象方法的设计,你认为有哪些方面需要进行考虑?
- Test 程序语言课后作业
- Devoir Homework 2: Distinguish between imperative and declarative paradigms.
- Devoir Pep7或Pep8运行结果呈现书本P191页第34和35题的运行结果
- Forum 阅读《讲述wps国产软件发展历程与前景》后的感想 (
- Test 测验
Probem Solving and Algorithm Design
- Forum Keywords of Chapter 6
- Forum Discussion(讨论):Top-down desigh and object-oriented design both create scaffolding that is used to write a program.Is all of this scaffolding just a waste of effort? Is it ever used again? Of what value is it after the program is up and running?
- Test 问题求解作业
- Devoir Homework 2:Use the following array of values.Show the state of the list when firstUnsorted is first set equal to the 4th item in the selection sort. Array when firstUnsorted is first set to 4th item.
- Devoir Homework 3: Show the state of the list when firstUnsorted is first set equal to the 5th item in the bubble sort algorithm. Array when firstUnsorted is first set equal to the 5th item.
- Forum 资料:算法——以冒泡排序为例
- Test 测验
Abstract Data Type
Operating Systems
- Glossaire Keywords of Chapter 10 Operating Systems
- Forum Keywords of Chapter 10
- Forum Discussion:(讨论)The operating system is also like a stage manager,but on a much grander scale.Does this analogy hold or does it break down?
- Forum Draw Grant charts show the completion times and disscusion which turn around time is shortest.
- Test 第10章 测验
- Forum 阅读中国操作系统发展的相关资料后的感想
- Devoir Ex 1:True or False
- Devoir Ex 2:Answer the question
- Devoir Ex3:Answer the question
Networks and WWW
- Forum Keywords of Chapter 15
- Forum Discussion(讨论):1.What is the computer system in your school like?Are all the computers networked?Is there more than one network?Are the dormitories networked?
- Devoir Homework 1:True or False
- Devoir Homework 2:What is a computer network?
- Devoir Homework 3:What is the difference between the Internet and the Web?
- Forum 对于国产浏览器的创新,你有什么体会 ?