3. Advantages 、 Limitations and Integration of Video

3.1 Advantages

  • Motion 运动:相对于静止的画面,动感图像在表达一些必须通过运动元素来掌握的概念时,具有很大优势。
  • Processes 过程:像装配线操作步骤、科学实验这类的操作流程,一系列有序的动作是关键,使用视频可以更有效地描述它们。
  • Risk-free observations 无风险观察。
  • Dramatization 戏剧性效果:戏剧性地重现历史和人物,帮助学生观察和分析人与人间的互动。
  • Skill learning 技能学习:通过视频,学生可以反复观看标准动作进行模仿,也可以看到自己的动作,获得反馈,不断改进。
  • Affective learning 情感学习:视频节目有强烈的情绪感召力,它常用来陶冶情操,塑造人格。
  • Problem solving 问题解决:开放式的视频节目,经常在最后把一些悬而未决的难题交给观众,让大家去讨论解决问题的办法。
  • Cultural understanding 文化理解:通过观看其他社会里人们的日常生活,我们可以对其文化有一个更深的了解。
  • Establishing commonality 建立共识:一同收看视频节目,有助于异质人群建立共同经验基础,更有效地讨论问题。

3.2 Limitations

  • Fixed pace 固定的播放速度:尽管观看视频时,可以随时停下来,进行讨论,但是在集体观看时我们很少这么做。
  • Talking head 演说者的头部特写:许多视频节目,尤其是自己制作的教育视频节目,包含大量的演讲人的特写镜头。
  • Still phenomena 不适合展示静止现象。
  • Misinterpretation 误解:纪录片和戏剧在处理具体问题的时候,经常把问题复杂化,这样容易引起误解。
  • Abstract ,nonvisual instruction 不适于抽象、不直观的教学:视频很难表达抽象、不直观的信息。
  • Logistics 后勤支持的难题:学校通常把视频录像带存放在媒体中心而不是教室。因此在使用视频节目和设备时必须提前预约。

3.3 Integration( 与课程的整合)

    Videos are available on almost any topic and for all types of learners in all the domains of instruction:
      • cognitive skills 认知技能: in the cognitive domain, learners can observe dramatic recreations of historical events and actual recordings of more recent events.

      • Demonstrations 演示video is great for showing how things work.

      • Virtual field trips 虚拟参观访问: video can take students to places they might not be able to go otherwise.

      • Documentary 纪录片video is the primary medium for documenting actual events and bringing them into the classroom.

      • Dramatization 戏剧效果: video has the power to hold your students spellbound as a human drama unfolds before their eyes.

      • Discussion basics 建立讨论基础: by viewing a video program together, a diverse group of learners can build a common base of experience as a catalyst for discussion.

      • Attitude development 态度的培养: when there is an element of emotion or the desire for affective learning, video usually works well.

      • Reports and portfolios 报告和档案袋: students produced videotapes and video segments on computers are being used for evaluation.

      • Training 培训video is the second most frequently used training media used by business.

      • Classroom Access 在教室中收看视频节目

      • Sayings: many organizations use video for the following:

      • Orientation o new employee

      • Training in job-related skills

      • Development of interpersonal abilities for management

      • Introduction of new products, policies, or markets

      • Customer training

      • Standardization of training among dispersed offices.

最后修改: 2018年10月31日 星期三 10:43