6 Require learner participation

    Remember, students learn best when they are actively involved in the learning. The passive learner has more trouble learning whatever we try to pour into his/her brain. Whatever your teaching strategy, you can incorporate questions and answers, discussions, group work, hands-on activities, and other ways of getting students actively involved in the learning of the content. It is up to you, the teacher, to make sure that all your students have opportunities to participate in the learning activities in the unit plan. Avoid lecturing for an entire hour. Listen to your students and allow them to become aware of the content. Allow them to learn as opposed to trying to "teach" them.

7 . Evaluate and Revise

7.1 Evaluate

    The final components of ASSURE model for effective learning is evaluation and revision. There are many purposes for evaluation.Often the only form seen in education is the paper-and-pencil test, claimed to be used for assessment of student achievement. In this part, we will discuss two purposes: (1) assessing learner achievement; (2) evaluating methods and media. During instruction, evaluation may take the form of student practice with feedback, or it consists of a short quiz or self-evaluation. Evaluation is designed to detect and correct learning/teaching problems and difficulties with the instruction that may interfere with student achievement. The method of assessing achievement depends on the nature of the objective.

7.2 Revise

    Revise(修正): 教学过程的最后步骤就是坐下来,检查你收集到的评估信息。看一看你设想的教学目标和实际达到的目标之间是否有差异?学生是否在一个或多个教学目标上有落后的现象?学生对你使用的教学媒体反映如何?你对选择的媒体是否满意?你应当对课程和课程中所采用的媒体和技术进行反省。并且在课程完成后马上做笔记,在下一次教学前一定要查询这些笔记内容。如果在任何方面有所缺憾,你就要找到问题所在加以修正。使用这种方法可以迅速提高你的教学质量。

Последнее изменение: пятница, 16 марта 2018, 22:25