
第三单元 ASSURE模式 The ASSURE Model

3. State Objectives (陈述学习目标)

3.1 What is objective ?

(1) The definition of objective

    An objective is a statement not what the instructor plans to put into the lesson but of what learners ought to get out of the lesson. 教学目标指设计者希望每一个学习者取得什么样的学习结果,或者是完成教学任务后学生应该掌握什么新技能。教学目标应该陈述的是获得什么,而不是如何获得。

(2) Why need objective?

    First, you must know your objectives in order to make appropriate selection of methods and media; another basic reason for stating your instructional objectives is to help ensure proper evaluation. 陈述教学目标的必要性:首先,知道教学目标,是为了选择合适的教学媒体和教学方法,教学目标会引导我们设计合适的教学活动顺序,选择合适的教学媒体;其次,教学目标的确定是为了评价教学效果。

3.2 The ABCDs of Well-Stated Objectives


(1)A Analyze the learners (教学对象)

    A major premise of systematic instruction is to focus on what learners are doing, not on what the teacher is doing. Because accomplishment of the objective depends on what learners do, the objective begins by stating whose capability is going to be changed. 描述教学目标时,首要要明确地是谁的技能发生了变化。


Good audience description:

    •  Sixth grade Earth Science Students

    •  Telecommunications department group managers

Bad audience description:

    •  Learners

    •  Students

2 B Behavior (行为)

    The heart of the objective is the verb describing the new capability that the audience will have after the instruction. This verb is most likely to communicate your intent clearly if it is stated as an observable behavior. 目标描述的核心是动词,以说明教学完成后,学生将具有什么新能力。如果动作是可观察的行为,最有可能明确地表达教师的意图。教师应避免使用知道、理解、意识这样含糊不清的词汇。


Bad objectives:

    •  Learners will navigate a multimedia tutorial successfully

    •  Learners will understand the water cycle.

Good objectives:

    •  Learners will raise their hands in class before speaking.

    •  Learners will knit a scarf that is 10 inches wide by 3 feet long.




了解 -- 说出、背诵、辨认、列举、复述、回忆、选出、识别等。

理解 -- 解释、说明、归纳、概述、推断、区别、提供、预测、检索、整理等。

应用 -- 设计、辩护、质疑、撰写、解决、检验、计划、总结、推广、证明等。


模仿 -- 模拟、重复、再现、例证、临摹、类推、扩展等。

独立操作 -- 完成、制定、解决、绘制、安装、尝试等。

迁移 -- 联系、转换、灵活运用、举一反三、触类旁通等。


经历(感受) -- 参与、寻找、交流、分享、访问、考察等。

反映(认同) -- 认可、接受、欣赏、关注、拒绝、摈弃等。

领悟(内化) -- 形成、具有、树立、热爱、坚持、追求等。

3 C Conditions (条件)

    A statement of objective should include the conditions under which the performance is to be observed. 教学目标描述中要说明,学生在什么条件下,展示他们习得的技能。

    Mager (1997) suggests three critical questions that you ask yourself when trying to write the conditions:

        ① What will the learners be expected to use when performing (tools, forms, pens, pencils, paper, etc.)?

        ② What will the learner NOT be allowed to use when performing (study guide, checklist, textbook, etc.)?

        ③ What will be the real-world conditions under which the performance will be expected to occur (in class, on stage, on the basketball court, etc.)?

    Many times, it is easy to write the conditions if you start off with the phrase "Given...., learners will...."


    •  Given a networked PC, a mouse, and Internet Explorer, fifth grade students will open Internet Explorer by clicking on the shortcut icon on the computer desktop.

    •  Given a checklist of criteria that make a website credible, a networked iMac, a mouse, and Netscape Navigator, tenth grade English students will evaluate ten websites about Shakespeare's Taming of the Shrew.

4 D Degree 程度)

    The final requirement of a well-stated objective is that it indicates the standard,or criterion,by which acceptable performance will be judged.

    Mager (1997) identifies several different categories of degrees (although he calls them criteria), they are speed, accuracy, and quality. The most important thing about the degree is that it makes sense and is valuable.

Compare the Examples:

    •  Given the shoes with shoelaces on their feet, 6 year olds will tie the shoelaces with 90% accuracy.

    •  Given the shoes with shoelaces on their feet, 6 year olds will tie the shoelaces within one minute.

3.3 Classification of Objectives 目标的分类


 表 1 学习目标分类与描述




一系列的智慧能力。可以分为语言 / 视觉信息或智力。语言 / 视觉技能要求学生读特定的刺激作出特定的反应;而智慧技能要求思考和处理信息。







3.4 Objectives and Individual Differences 目标与个体差异


最後修改: 2015年 10月 7日(三) 10:14