
This Course aims to train translation majors to engage critically with some of the most important and influential translation theories that have emerged in the West since the mid twentieth century. It studies and, (better still if we can) further on, interrogates the use and usefulness of translation theory by focusing on how theory informs practice and how practice, in turn, can necessitate a radical re-examination of theory. Students will develop greater self-consciousness about how they translate; they can explain with greater confidence why they translate in a particular manner.  Details concerning the course are:

1. Assessment sees two major parts: 1) continuous assessment, including pre-reading literatures, presentations and translation assignments, accounts for 60%, 2) and the rest 40% is based on final term exam;

2. Each assignment will be allowed at least two weeks' time for students to finish. Assignments will be uploaded on due time. Please refer to the timetable for details.  For the time being, all assignments are required to be submitted online before or on deadline at SCNU's Liru, which will record students' submission time slots and records.  Non submission will lead to zero score on the assignments.

教师: 王晓莺