Personal Finance 个人理财

Категория курсаInternational Business College


Учитель: 黄玮


Категория курсаInternational Business College

本课程是针对财务管理专业学生的一门实践课程,旨在帮助学生学会运用 Excel 于决策支持 的建模及设计的方法,并用于在社会生活、财务管理、企业经营管理的决策支持的实际当中。 本课程的目标包括:

  •   学生将充分理解决策,决策支持,决策支持系统、以及财务决策支持系统的概念以 及重要的要素

  •   学生将掌握构建决策模型的方法,并运用 Excel 设计决策运算模型

  •   学生的逻辑思维能力、综合分析能力、Excel 能力将在本课程得到较大的提高

  •   学生能运用建模和设计的方法为日常社会生活、企业经营管理的各种决策提供决策


Учитель: 马颖仪

Principles of Marketing

Категория курсаInternational Business College

Marketing Course Logo

ALL About Fundamental principles and practices of marketing.Environmental forces that affect an organization’s ability to serve its customers. Behavior of consumer buyer and business buyer. Evaluations steps involved in target marketing. Elements of the marketing mix & Marketing communications strategy.

Учитель: 吴幸莼

Business Communication (商务沟通全英课程)

Категория курсаInternational Business College

This course covers a great variety of subjects selected from different sources in different occasions of business communication, intercultural business communication and business etiquette, is designed to help students getting familiar with the fundamental ideas on communication, culture, business, business communication, intercultural business communication, the role of the languages plays, international negotiation and business etiquette. The idea is to provide the students all sorts of related information that will enable them to move about in the business arena with confidence; to help them to make effective and successful communication cross cultures in the business world; to face daunting situations armed with the knowledge that, whatever the outcome, they can manage the complicated communication and behaved properly through it all. It also will help the students to learn to develop their analysis and reference skills so that they may be able to think independently, work on their own and solved the problems they might encounter in the future business career.

Учитель: 庄慧娟

The Context of Business

Категория курсаInternational Business College


Учитель: 马颖仪