The Origins and Development of European Civilization 欧洲文化的起源与发展

课程类别International Business College

The purpose of this course is to provide students with a very broad overview of Western Civilization, mainly from its ancient beginnings up to the early modern era. Topics include ancient Greece, ancient Roman, Christianity, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and Protestant Reformation, the Enlightenment, the Industrial Revolution and so on. While aiming broadly to outline the western history, its key events and figures, this course will also try to provide a straight forward and relatively traditional account of the rise of western civilization, and help students to think critically on western political, social and cultural developments. 


课程类别International Business College
教师: CartieGaelle

Chinese Culture

课程类别International Business College
教师: 李雪芳

跨文化交际Intercultural Communication

课程类别International Business College

With economic globalization, the economic border between countries blurs. This has triggered frequent business mobility across the world and ever-increasing interactions among peoples of different cultures. This has also given rise to the need of learning how to communicate effectively in a cross-cultural setting. This course aims to familiarize students with the essential terms and basic theories in intercultural communication, and provides strategies to analyze the value system of different cultures, which is key to understanding the social and economical conditions in a given culture. Case study will be employed to illustrate failures in intercultural communication. It is hoped that by taking this course, students will raise their awareness of cultural differences, adopt flexibility in encountering different culture, and improve their skills in communicating in English with people from various cultures.

教师: 梁惠娟

金融市场学 Financial Markets

课程类别International Business College


This course is the main course for finance and financial management majors. that study financial market operating mechanism and the law of market main body behavior in the market economy. This course starts with the basic elements of the financial markets, function, emergence and development, then introduces and elaborates the main sub-markets of the financial market system including the money market, bond market, stock market, fund market, the foreign exchange market, gold market and derivatives markets. Finally, the course analyses the theories and practice of financial market supervision roundly.

教师: 马赞军

financial markets and regulation

课程类别International Business College

Banking: In Chapters 2–5, we look at banking in all its aspects.
Regulation: Chapter 6 examines the role for regulation of the banking and
fnancial sector, and highlights recent developments, particularly the reregulation
of strategically important fnancial institutions (SIFIs).
Money and bond markets: In Chapter 7, we examine the domestic and international
markets. We look at raising money for short term (money markets) and long term (bond
Equities: Stock markets, brokers, market makers and institutions are explained in Chapter 8.
Hedge funds and private equity: Enormous funds are being invested in the markets
today by these organizations, which is explained in Chapter 9.
Credit crisis: The credit crisis, which started with defaults in the US subprime market and
culminated in the collapse of Lehman Brothers, the failure of large swathes of US, UK
and other banking markets, and the resulting major state bailouts, are covered in detail
in Chapter 10. We outline the causes of the crisis and the key events that occurred,
noting features of the recent sovereign debt crisis and the ongoing policy response.
Foreign exchange: The international character of the markets today and gradual
deregulation create strong demand for foreign currencies. This is considered in Chapter 11.
EMU: European Economic and Monetary Union and the introduction of the euro
started on 1 January 1999 for 11 countries. This key development is discussed in
Chapter 12, along with an overview of the role of the euro and characteristics of the
recent eurozone crisis.
Derivative products: Interest rates, currency rates, bond prices and share prices
fluctuate, creating risk. There are fnancial products that are, paradoxically, used to
both exploit risk and control risk. These are called ‘derivative products’ and are,
possibly, the fastest growing sector of the fnancial markets today. This complex but
fascinating subject is looked at in Chapters 13–15.
Emerging and growth-leading economies: The role of various booming emerging
economies is considered in Chapter 16. Particular focus is placed on the role of China
and India, together with the increased influence of other emerging markets.
Key trends: Finally, in Chapter 17, we analyse the key trends in the fnancial markets today. Banking: In Chapters 2–5, we look at banking in all its aspects.
Regulation: Chapter 6 examines the role for regulation of the banking and
fnancial sector, and highlights recent developments, particularly the reregulation
of strategically important fnancial institutions (SIFIs).
Money and bond markets: In Chapter 7, we examine the domestic and international
markets. We look at raising money for short term (money markets) and long term (bond
Equities: Stock markets, brokers, market makers and institutions are explained in Chapter 8.
Hedge funds and private equity: Enormous funds are being invested in the markets
today by these organizations, which is explained in Chapter 9.
Credit crisis: The credit crisis, which started with defaults in the US subprime market and
culminated in the collapse of Lehman Brothers, the failure of large swathes of US, UK
and other banking markets, and the resulting major state bailouts, are covered in detail
in Chapter 10. We outline the causes of the crisis and the key events that occurred,
noting features of the recent sovereign debt crisis and the ongoing policy response.
Foreign exchange: The international character of the markets today and gradual
deregulation create strong demand for foreign currencies. This is considered in Chapter 11.
EMU: European Economic and Monetary Union and the introduction of the euro
started on 1 January 1999 for 11 countries. This key development is discussed in
Chapter 12, along with an overview of the role of the euro and characteristics of the
recent eurozone crisis.
Derivative products: Interest rates, currency rates, bond prices and share prices
fluctuate, creating risk. There are fnancial products that are, paradoxically, used to
both exploit risk and control risk. These are called ‘derivative products’ and are,
possibly, the fastest growing sector of the fnancial markets today. This complex but
fascinating subject is looked at in Chapters 13–15.
Emerging and growth-leading economies: The role of various booming emerging
economies is considered in Chapter 16. Particular focus is placed on the role of China
and India, together with the increased influence of other emerging markets.
Key trends: Finally, in Chapter 17, we analyse the key trends in the fnancial markets today. Banking: In Chapters 2–5, we look at banking in all its aspects.
Regulation: Chapter 6 examines the role for regulation of the banking and
fnancial sector, and highlights recent developments, particularly the reregulation
of strategically important fnancial institutions (SIFIs).
Money and bond markets: In Chapter 7, we examine the domestic and international
markets. We look at raising money for short term (money markets) and long term (bond
Equities: Stock markets, brokers, market makers and institutions are explained in Chapter 8.
Hedge funds and private equity: Enormous funds are being invested in the markets
today by these organizations, which is explained in Chapter 9.
Credit crisis: The credit crisis, which started with defaults in the US subprime market and
culminated in the collapse of Lehman Brothers, the failure of large swathes of US, UK
and other banking markets, and the resulting major state bailouts, are covered in detail
in Chapter 10. We outline the causes of the crisis and the key events that occurred,
noting features of the recent sovereign debt crisis and the ongoing policy response.
Foreign exchange: The international character of the markets today and gradual
deregulation create strong demand for foreign currencies. This is considered in Chapter 11.
EMU: European Economic and Monetary Union and the introduction of the euro
started on 1 January 1999 for 11 countries. This key development is discussed in
Chapter 12, along with an overview of the role of the euro and characteristics of the
recent eurozone crisis.
Derivative products: Interest rates, currency rates, bond prices and share prices
fluctuate, creating risk. There are fnancial products that are, paradoxically, used to
both exploit risk and control risk. These are called ‘derivative products’ and are,
possibly, the fastest growing sector of the fnancial markets today. This complex but
fascinating subject is looked at in Chapters 13–15.
Emerging and growth-leading economies: The role of various booming emerging
economies is considered in Chapter 16. Particular focus is placed on the role of China
and India, together with the increased influence of other emerging markets.
Key trends: Finally, in Chapter 17, we analyse the key trends in the fnancial markets today.

教师: 芦峰

The Basic Operation of Computer

课程类别International Business College

This course will help you to get to know the basic knowledge of computer and learn how to use office software.

Accounting and Finance

课程类别International Business College

该课程为经济管理类专业的学科基础课,也可以作为非经管类专业的选修课。通过这门课的学习,学生可以了解会计和财务在企业经营运作中的作用,了解企业管理活动中与财务相关的基本知识,能够理解并运用复式记账法对经济业务进行正确的记录和计量,编制基本财务报表并分析利用。同时了解企业组织形式及基本架构,能够利用会计信息通过预测、分析、控制为企业短期及长期经营决策服务。 This course provides an introduction to accounting and finance.Students will learn about the roles and basic knowledge of accounting and finance in businesses and will be able to record transactions by using double-entry accounting. they will be able to prepare and analyze financial statements, as well. Student will also learn about different types of business entities and learn how to use the accounting information to serve for making short-term and long-term decisions for businesses through forecasting, analyzing and controlling.

教师: 王琳, 左小明

organizational behavior

课程类别International Business College

OB is a field that seeks increased knowledge of all aspects of behavior in organizational settings ,the study of how the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of individuals and groups in organizations are influenced by the actual, implied, or imagined presence of others ,the study of individual and group dynamics in organizations ,the study or factors that affect how individuals and groups act in organizations.

Principles of Property Valuation2017

课程类别International Business College

This course is about the principles underlying basic  valuation and investment formulae.  Provides students with an understanding of the methods of property valuation and the purposes for which valuations are undertaken. To examine critically alternatives to conventional approaches to valuations for possible solutions to problems. Develop facility in use of the financial calculator in valuation.

教师: 王琳

Finance, Risk & Investment 投资学 (2016)

课程类别International Business College

The course offers an understanding of the terminology used in the financial and investment markets. It introduces the characteristics of assets such as bonds, equities and real estate. Concepts such as the time value of money, present and future value, risk and return are discussed. The bases of property valuation and the five methods of valuation are considered.

教师: 黄玮

Finance, Risk & Investment 投资学(2018)

课程类别International Business College
The course offers an understanding of the terminology used in the financial and investment markets. It introduces the characteristics of assets such as bonds, equities and real estate. Concepts such as the time value of money, present and future value, risk and return are discussed. The bases of property valuation and the five methods of valuation are considered.
教师: 黄玮