基础英语3(南海校区):Academic Encounters

Basic English 3::Academic Encounters

Basic English is a core compulsory course for non-English major undergraduates of SCNU as an important part of their general education. The materials of the course units are close to the college students' study and life, covering a wide  range of natural sciences, humanities and social sciences, concerning science, technology, economy,history, literature, philosophy, life, social problems and so on. The major task of this course is to cultivate students’ comprehensive ability of reading, writing ,listening and speaking general English in life and academic study, as well as their ability of cross-cultural communication between Chinese and foreign cultures, so as to meet the students’ basic needs of college study, international communication, and future work and employment, and enhance their autonomous learning ability and cultural literacy.

教师: 李佩华

雅思分手之路 The IELTS Journey

《雅思分手之路》-- 线上线下混合式学习课程,专为华南师范大学中外联合培养专业和中外合作办学项目的广大学生开设。无论是完成国内段全英或双语开设的专业课程,还是前往国外合作院校完成后半段的学习,他们都面临着要先通过雅思考试(6666)这道基本门槛。



Creating a Culture of Customer Care

         AD项目是近年来在中国发展较快的中英合作办学项目,课程通过开发实际工作中需要的技能来满足学生在职业发展方面的需要,"以学生为中心"的教育理念贯穿于AD教学全过程。《客户服务文化构建》 是针对我院AD项目二年级学生开设的必修课程。该课程选用全英文原版教材,课程设置完全按照英方教学规定, 致力于培养学生运用客户文化管理相关理论的能力。该课程注重理论与实践的结合,在教学中培养学生自主学习、独立研究、提出问题、解决问题、遵守学术规范的学术素养,发展学生的思辨能力、沟通能力、合作能力、创新能力和跨文化交际能力。课程学习为一学期,在课程学习结束的时候要求学生能够独立完成案例分析,并能独自撰写相关主题的调查报告。