

教师: 贺超波, 刘海


《概率论与数理统计》是计算机科学与技术等理工科专业的专业必修课,主要研究随机现象的统计规律性,目前已经成为科学、工程、管理等许多学科的重要工具, 在计算机系统、金融、气象设计、地震预测、遗传规律、卫星摄影等方面有重要应用。学生通过《高等数学》和《线性代数》课程的学习,基本掌握了微积分以及矩阵相关性质和运算知识。概率论是学习《机器学习》、《人工智能》的基础理论,而数理统计的方法大量应用于数据挖掘、处理和分析中。本课程通过学习概率论和数理统计相关知识和方法,使得学生可以识别、理解相关的概率和统计问题,运用所学的原理和方法解决问题,并能基本具备将数学知识用于解决复杂工程问题的能力。


教师: 闫幸福

Data Structures and Algorithms

Data structures play a central role in modern computer science. They are amongst the most fundamental ingredients in the recipe for creating efficient algorithms and good software design. 

The course covers basic and essential concepts in data structures, including array-based lists, linked lists, stack, queue, trees, binary trees, heaps and graphs. Discussion of various implementations of these data objects, programming styles, and run-time representations. The course also examines sorting, searching and some graph algorithms. Algorithm analysis and efficient code design is discussed.

In this course, students will analyze and design of fundamental data structures and engage to use data structures as tools to algorithmically design efficient computer programs that will cope with the complexity of actual applications.

教师: 李晶晶