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Chapter 1: P10 2, 4; P21 4, 11; P35 2, 5, 9.
Chapter 2: P53 13, 15; P61 3(a); P72 6, 10.
Chapter 3: P99 9; P108 2; P120 3, 6, 9; P131 5; P147 1.
Chapter 4: P157 1(c), 8(a); P171 3, 7(a); P188 3(a), (b), 4-8; P199 6, 8(b).
Chapter 5: P209 1(c), 2(c), 3, 4, 5; P220 2(a), 4(a), 8(b); P234 1(a), 9(a).
Chapter 6: P249 4, 12, 13, 18; P257 4, 6.
Chapter1 P11 1(c); P22 1; P39 7.
Chapter2 P45 1, 2, 3; P56 2, 3; P62 1; P73 4, 5.
Chapter3 P102 2; P109 1, 2; P122 2; P132 1; P144 3, 7; P149 3.
Chapter4 P160 4; P174 1; P191 5; P200 4(a).
Chapter5 P222 3, 4, 6; P236 2.
Chapter6 P259 7, 8, 9; P267 6, 7.
Chapter 1
P11 1(c) Additional Requirement: Produce a graph of function g(x), g'(x) and the line y=x that clearly shows any fixed points.
P22 1
P39 7
Chapter 5
P222 3, 4, 6. Note: Modify the number of the known points in Exercise 3 and 4 to 13, that means k is from 0 to 12.
P236 2