Application of knowledge; Written and oral communi
Связанные теги:
- Moderate
- Easy
- Challenging
- Identify the major trends in the firm's natural an
- Explain the key changes in the political and cultu
- Explain how changes in the demographic and economi
- Name the four major factors that influence consume
- List and define the major types of buying decision
- Describe the adoption and diffusion process for ne
- Concept
- Explain the importance of information in gaining i
- Explain how companies analyze and use marketing in
- Outline the steps in the marketing research proces
- Compare the institutional and government markets a
- Identify the major factors that influence business
- Define the major steps in designing a customer-dri
- Explain how companies identify attractive market s
- Identify the four characteristics that affect the
- Describe the decisions companies make regarding th
- List and define the steps in the new product devel
- Describe the stages of the product life cycle and
- Answer the question ""What is a price?"" and discu
- Identify the three major pricing strategies and di
- Identify and define the other important external a
- Define the five promotion mix tools for communicat
- Explain the methods for setting the promotion budg
- Discuss the changing communications landscape and
- Outline the communication process and the steps in
- Explain the role of retailers in the distribution
- Explain the major types of wholesalers and their m
- Explain why companies use marketing channels and d
- Explain how companies select, motivate, and evalua
- Discuss the nature and importance of marketing log
- Discuss how channel members interact and how they
- Identify the major channel alternatives open to a
- Describe the major strategies for pricing new prod
- Discuss the key issues related to initiating and r
- Explain how companies find a set of prices that ma
- Discuss how companies adjust their prices to take
- LO 3.3
- LO 3.4
- LO 3.2
- LO 5.2
- LO 5.3
- LO 5.4
- Application
- LO 4.1
- LO 4.4
- LO 4.3
- LO 6.4
- LO 6.2
- LO 7.1
- LO 7.3
- LO 8.3
- LO 8.2
- LO 9.2
- LO 9.3
- LO 10.1
- LO 10.2
- LO 10.3
- LO 14.1
- LO 14.4
- LO 14.2
- LO 14.3
- LO 13.1
- LO 13.4
- LO 12.1
- LO 12.4
- LO 12.5
- LO 12.2
- LO 12.3
- LO 11.1
- LO 11.4
- LO 11.2
- LO 11.3
- Synthesis
- больше...
- меньше...
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