function RK4=rk4m(f,a,b,ya,h) %Input - f is the function % - a and b are the left and right endpoints % - ya is the initial condition y(a) % - h is the step size %Output - R = [T' Y'] where T is the vector of abscissas % and Y is the vector of ordinates %If f is an M-file function call R=rk4(@f,a,b,ya,h). %If f is an anonymous function call R=rk4(f,a,b,ya,h). M=ceil((b-a)/h); T=zeros(1,M+1); Y=zeros(1,M+1); T=a:h:b; Y(1)=ya; for j=1:M f1=feval(f,T(j),Y(j)); f2=feval(f,T(j)+h/2,Y(j)+h*f1/2); f3=feval(f,T(j)+h/2,Y(j)+h*f2/2); f4=feval(f,T(j)+h,Y(j)+h*f3); Y(j+1)=Y(j)+h*(f1+2*f2+2*f3+f4)/6; end RK4=[T' Y'];